SellBuyZip is a family friendly internet gathering place arranged by zip codes. Our goal is to provide individuals, families and small businesses with the opportunity to sell, barter and exchange goods & services at the community level. SellBuyZip webmasters look to strengthen community relationships and enhance economic activity through local networking. We are seeking likeminded individuals who are interested in building their own local network to better their community.
Are there any upfront fees to become a local webmaster?
Each zip code costs $99 per year and allows the webmaster to add advertisements at the top of classifieds page for that zip code.
Is there a contract or a minimum time commitment required?
SellBuyZip is interested in having you as long as you are interested in being a local webmaster. There is no long term commitment.
How do I make money?
You can use this site to generate income in the following ways:
* Advertising revenue from sponsors
* Promoting your own business
How do I receive payments?
Webmasters will develop their own payment plans with sponsors.
How do I manage my website?
You will be given an administrator account and trained on how to use the simple administrator tools.
Do I have complete control over the content on my local website?
Yes, as long as you remain within the guidelines of SellBuyZip
What can I post?
We are looking for items that are suitable for all ages and that are family friendly.
Do you offer Technical/IT Support?
We are available to answer questions; however the site is extremely user friendly.
What are the advertising fees?
Each local webmaster sets the rates for their zip-code sponsors and premium ads.